• AR
  • 03 Oct, 2023

Tips for creating engaging and shareable AR filters.

Tips for creating engaging and shareable AR filters.

Augmented Reality (AR) filters have revolutionized the way we interact with social media platforms, providing users with fun, interactive, and visually appealing experiences. From turning oneself into a cute animal to adding surreal elements to the real world, AR filters have taken content sharing to the next level. If you're interested in making your own AR filters that grab attention and are widely shared, you've come to the right place! Here are some tips to help you create engaging and shareable AR filters.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you start designing, understand who you're creating the filter for. Different age groups and demographics have varied preferences. What might appeal to teenagers might not resonate with older adults.

2. Prioritize User Interaction

The best AR filters are not just visually appealing but are also interactive. Think about how users can engage with your filter. Can they move their head or hands to trigger an effect? Can they tap the screen for a surprise?

3. Keep it Relevant

Stay updated with trends, festivals, and global events. Creating AR filters that align with ongoing cultural events or popular trends can boost its shareability.

4. Simplicity is Key

While it's tempting to add many features, often, the most shared AR filters are simple and intuitive. If it’s too complex, users might skip using it.

5. Ensure High-Quality Graphics

Blurry or pixelated graphics can decrease the appeal of your AR filter. Invest time in ensuring your visual elements are of the highest quality.

6. Optimize for Different Devices

Different smartphones have different camera qualities and screen sizes. Test your AR filter across multiple devices to ensure a consistent user experience.

7. Add a Dash of Humor

Everyone loves a good laugh. If your filter can make someone chuckle, the chances are they'll share it with their friends and family.

8. Prioritize Realism and Smoothness

The augmentation should blend seamlessly with reality. Ensure that the AR elements don't look out of place. Smooth transitions and realistic interactions enhance user experience.

9. Include Share Prompts

Encourage sharing by adding a subtle prompt or call to action like, "Share your look with friends!" This can remind users to spread the word.

10. Offer Customizations

Allow users to tweak certain aspects of the filter, like colors or sizes. This personal touch can make the filter more appealing and relatable.

11. Regularly Update Your Filters

Regularly revisiting and updating your filters can maintain user interest. Animate elements, change themes, or add features based on user feedback.

12. Engage with Your Community

Engage with your users. Listen to their feedback, understand what they love, and what they'd like improved. This can give you insights for future filters.

13. Educate Users

Sometimes, users might not know how to fully utilize a filter. Consider creating short tutorials or demos to guide them.

14. Promote Your Filter

Relying solely on the platform's discoverability might not be enough. Promote your AR filters on other social media platforms, collaborate with influencers, or use paid advertising.

15. Pay Attention to Analytics

Most platforms provide data on how often your filter is used, viewed, or shared. Use this data to understand what's working and where there's room for improvement.


Creating an AR filter that's engaging and shareable requires a mix of creativity, technical proficiency, and a deep understanding of your audience. With the right approach and by following the above tips, you can ensure that your AR filters stand out and become a viral sensation. Dive into the world of AR design, and let your creativity run wild!

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