• AR
  • 31 Oct, 2023

How businesses can leverage AR for internal operations and customer engagement.

How businesses can leverage AR for internal operations and customer engagement.

Augmented Reality (AR) is not just the future; it's the present. While many associate AR with gaming or social media filters, the technology's potential stretches far beyond these realms. Businesses, irrespective of their size or domain, can harness AR to optimize internal processes and elevate customer engagement. Here's a comprehensive guide on how businesses can adeptly incorporate AR into their operations and consumer-facing strategies.

1. A Brief on Augmented Reality (AR)

AR layers digital information—images, sounds, or other data—onto real-world environments. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR) which immerses users in a completely virtual environment, Augmented Reality enhances the existing environment with supplementary digital elements.

2. AR in Internal Operations

a. Training & Development: Instead of traditional training methods, companies can employ AR to provide real-time, interactive training sessions. This is especially beneficial in sectors like healthcare, where practitioners can practice surgeries in a risk-free, AR-enhanced environment.

b. Design and Prototyping: Companies in design-centric industries, such as automotive or fashion, can use AR for virtual prototyping, allowing for rapid iterations and real-time feedback.

c. Maintenance & Repair: Technicians can use AR glasses or apps to view superimposed digital manuals, making the repair process smoother and more efficient.

d. Data Visualization: In meetings or strategy sessions, complex datasets can be visualized in 3D through AR, making insights more comprehensible and discussions more productive.

3. AR in Customer Engagement

a. Virtual Try-ons: Retailers, especially in apparel and accessories, can use AR to let customers virtually 'try on' items before purchasing, either in-store or online.

b. Interactive Product Demos: Instead of static images or videos, businesses can offer AR-based demos. For instance, a customer thinking of buying a blender can see its features highlighted via AR.

c. Navigation and Assistance: Stores, museums, or large facilities can employ AR for navigation. Customers can use their smartphones to get directions, product information, or even promotional offers.

d. Personalized Advertising: Billboards or posters come alive with AR. By scanning a QR code or using an AR app, potential customers can see personalized content, enhancing ad engagement.

4. Steps to Integrate AR in Business

a. Identify the Need: Before diving in, businesses should pinpoint where AR can be most beneficial—either in internal operations, customer engagement, or both.

b. Choose the Right AR Platform: Depending on the need—mobile apps, AR glasses, or web-based solutions—select the apt AR platform.

c. Collaborate with AR Experts: Unless you have an in-house team, collaborate with AR specialists to bring your vision to life.

d. Continuous Feedback & Iteration: Once deployed, continuously gather feedback and iterate for optimization.

5. Success Stories: AR in Action

Pepsi's AR Bus Shelter Campaign: Pepsi transformed a London bus shelter with AR to make it seem like aliens, tigers, and UFOs were invading the street, creating a memorable brand experience.

Boeing’s AR-enhanced Assembly: Boeing integrated AR into its wiring harness assembly process, reducing production time by 25% and slashing error rates to nearly zero.

6. The Road Ahead

With AR technology constantly evolving, its potential applications in business will only expand. It's crucial for businesses to stay updated, ensuring that AR strategies remain fresh, relevant, and beneficial.


Augmented Reality is revolutionizing how businesses operate and interact with customers. From streamlined internal operations to creating unforgettable customer experiences, the possibilities with AR are boundless. By understanding AR's capabilities and strategically integrating them, businesses can set themselves apart in an ever-competitive market landscape. The augmented age is here, and it's time for businesses to embrace, innovate, and lead.


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